About me
I am the last year XJTU-CityU Joint Ph.D student under the supervision of Prof. Feng Tian and Dr. Xiangyu Zhao. Previously, I got my bachelor degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University in 2019. Now, I am working at Xi’an, China. My research interests include Recommender Systems, Large Language Model, Causal Inference, Smart Education and Intelligent Healthcare.
⭐️I will graduate at Jun 2025, so I am seeking for the opportunities of Assistant Professor or Postdoc!
Education Experience
City University of Hong Kong (2022.9-Present)
- Joint PhD candidate
- Supervisor: Dr. Xiangyu Zhao
- Affliation: School of Data Science
- Lab: AML Lab
Xi’an Jiaotong University (2021.3-Present)
Xi’an Jiaotong Univeristy (2019.9-2021.2)
- M.Sc., Cyberspace Security
- Supervisor: Prof. Feng Tian & Prof. Xiaopeng Hong
- Major: Cyberspace Security
Xi’an Jiaotong Univeristy (2015.8-2019.6)
- B.Eng. Degree
- Major: Automation
- Graduation Thesis: Analysis of motion sensor on mobile terminal and design of Wechat Mini Programme
Work Experience
Tencent (2023.5-2024.8)
- Internship
- Mentor: Dr. Xian Wu, Prof. Yefeng Zheng
- Lab: Tencent Jarvis Lab (腾讯天衍实验室)
- Conference Reviewer: NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR, KDD, SIGIR, WWW, AAAI, IJCAI, MM, CIKM, RecSys, SIGIR-AP
- Journal Reviewer: TOIS, TKDE, TKDD, T-PAMI, TIST
- Session Chair: “Session 9G Sequence Modeling 6” in CIKM’23, “Session Speech 1” in AAAI’25
- Volunteer: IJCAI’23, AAAI’25